Texas has some differences from US-wide rules, but overall are quite similar. There are 2 things that shippers and truck drivers can take advantage of in the lone star state. First, 59’ trailers can be used which is helpful for those goods that cube out quickly. Secondly, permits can be purchased that can increase axle weights by up to 10% for general commodities, but only for semi-truck trailer combinations. The same permits will allow for up to 5% increase in gross weights. Both these exceptions only apply on non-interstate highways. Information about the permits can be found here: http://www.txdmv.gov/oversize-weight-permits/annual-over-axle-over-gross-weight-tolerance Also, Texas has some bridge weight exceptions for 4 axle vehicles, they can be viewed here: http://txdmv.gov/component/k2/item/2123-permissible-weight-table
- Texas Legal Code
- Permit Office Phone: 800-299-1700