Added MICHIGAN Super Single Tires to State Law
Updated Michigan Super Single Tires to specify their weight. Generally, if super single tires are at least 13″ / 330mm in width they can attain the same weight limits in MI as dual tires.
Updated Michigan Super Single Tires to specify their weight. Generally, if super single tires are at least 13″ / 330mm in width they can attain the same weight limits in MI as dual tires.
Iowa updated its straight truck length to 45′ from 41′. Current code can be viewed here.
During a regular review of data, if was found that some spread axle dimensions and weights were not correct on the website. Changes were made to Delaware, Georgia, and New Mexico. Delaware: Code can be found here: As it applies to Non-Interstate roads in Delaware, there are three axle classifications that must be followed: … Read more
The Big Truck Guide Database had a restriction of 41′ for the kingpin to tandems distance restriction. Confirmed this with the Delaware DOT.
Updated Ohio Tandem Axles for non-interstate use. These specifications are found in the Ohio code, sections D-2, a and b: (a) Spaced four feet or less apart, and weighed simultaneously, twenty-four thousand pounds; (b) Spaced more than four feet apart, and weighed simultaneously, thirty-four thousand pounds, plus one thousand pounds per foot or fraction thereof, … Read more
One of the great, but perhaps underused, features of Big Truck Guide is the collection of links to external sources. These have been completely revamped and updated in October 2019, and are continually being updated throughout the year. For each state and province, 2 different links are supplied. The first is a link to the … Read more
Kansas Legislation Link updated to better source:
I’m happy to announce one of the biggest changes that have been implemented to the Big Truck Guide database! All datapoints for gross weights and axle weights have been reviewed and updated A new concept has been introduced, called a ‘ruleset’ The ruleset concept has allowed for easier identification of where permits can be utilized … Read more
Michigan cancelled its kingpin restriction. Good job! Relates to: Public Act 35 of 2018. Old Code. New Code.
The 2017 Florida statue allows for semi-trailers up to 57′. It keeps the kingpin to tandems restriction the same regardless of the increase.